If you are not signed up here yet here you go. Full of amazing truthful articles not allowed on lamestream media!!! The Totalitarian Roots of Vaccine Mandates: https://thevaccinereaction.org/
Former Pfizer employee flags FDA study, warns that Pfizer vaccine increases COVID by over 300%
Senior Australian Police Officer QUITS Over COVID Tyranny
Natural immunity vs. Vaccine-induced immunity: the issue that terrifies the pro-vaxx mafia
New Bill Bans All Unvaccinated Americans From Flying, Advancing Through Congress | Facts Matter
WHO ARE GEORGE SOROS, BLACK ROCK, VANGUARD, GLAXOSMITHKLINE, PFIZER, WUHAN LAB AND OTHER CONNECTIONS WITH COVID-19. https://bwcentral.org/2021/08/who-are-george-sores-black-rock-vanguard-glaxosmithkline-pfizer-wuhan-lab-and-other-connections-with-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR2l4tJtpqTaWFR1og28bNKNsyJZWxpK3fD9AUbAfHBBBAi7NbzOYOHfKgU
URGENT: A Southwest Airlines pilot explains why you will not hear anything about vaccine mandates from his union - and why Southwest has more flexibility than it admits to stand up to the White House. — Essentially, the union cannot organize or even acknowledge the sickout, because doing so would make it an illegal job action. Years ago, Southwest and its pilots had a rough negotiation, and the union would not even let the pilots internally discuss the possibility of working-to-rule (which would have slowed Southwest to a crawl). https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-a-southwest-airlines-pilot/comments
Shadow Government: Databanks Expose Global Evil and Corruption Says French Billionaire
Video: Rand Paul Blasts Biden Health Secretary; “This Is An Arrogance Coupled With An Authoritarianism That Is Unseemly And Un-American”
Vaccine Kills between 1,072,847 and 26,167,000 in United States per Gov. Data.
Let's go all the way up!